144 research outputs found

    Improving Household Hazardous Waste Collection Options for East Central Illinois

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    This background report contains information compiled as part of a study effort to develop a strategy to improve household hazardous waste (HHW) collection options available to residents of a seven-county study area in East Central Illinois. The report includes an overview of HHW collection activity statewide and a detailed review of existing HHW collection options in the study area as of January 2013. The report summarizes federal and state regulations relevant to HHW collection, best management practices associated with HHW, and challenges associated with HHW collection in the study area. The report includes input from interested persons and stakeholders regarding preferred HHW collection options; a review of cost comparisons typical of start-up, operation, and processing of a HHW collection facility vs. a one-day HHW collection in Illinois; and a preliminary “strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats” (SWOT) assessment regarding three potential HHW collection options for the study area.This research was funded in part by the Illinois Sustainable Technology Center (Grant No. HWR13229), a division of the Prairie Research Institute at the University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign, and in part by The Lumpkin Family Foundation.Ope

    A Historical Writing Apprenticeship for Adolescents: Integrating Disciplinary Learning With Cognitive Strategies

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    This study explored the extent to which an 18â day history and writing curriculum intervention, taught over the course of one year, helped culturally and academically diverse adolescents achieve important disciplinary literacy learning in history. Teachers used a cognitive apprenticeship form of instruction for the integration of historical reading and writing strategies and content learning with the goal of improving students’ historical argument writing. The intervention had positive and significant results for each writing outcome. After controlling for variables associated with students’ incoming abilities, the researchers found moderate to large effects for all participants. Relative to basic readers in the control condition, those participating in the intervention scored higher in historical writing and writing quality and wrote longer essays; these results translate into effect sizes of .45 on basic readers’ historical writing, .32 on their overall writing quality, and .60 on the length of their papers. Teachers implemented the reading and writing curriculum intervention with high levels of implementation fidelity, leading the researchers to explore additional factors that contributed to students’ success after accounting for teacher effectiveness. The results indicate further benefits dependent on the degree to which students completed the curriculum.Chineseæ ¬ç  ç©¶æ ¨å ¨æ ¢è®¨ä¸ ä¸ªå å ²ä¸ å ä½ è¯¾ç¨ å¹²é¢ æ å­¦ç æ è ½,è¯¥å¹²é¢ æ 学为æ 18天å å¸ å ¨ä¸ æ ´å­¦å¹´ç è¯¾ç¨ ä¸­è¿ è¡ ,å ¶ç ®ç æ ¯å¸®å ©æ å ä¸ å å å­¦ä¸ æ ç»©ä¸ å ç é å° å¹´å­¦ä¹ å¾ å °å å ²ç§ ä¸­é è¦ ç å­¦ç§ è¯»å æ è ½,æ è ½ç ç¡®å® æ ¯å ºäº å ¨å¤ å¤§ç¨ åº¦ä¸ è¿ å¹²é¢ æ å­¦è ½è¾¾è ³å ¶ç ®ç ã æ å¸ ä½¿ç ¨è®¤ç ¥å­¦å¾ æ¨¡å¼ ç æ å­¦æ ¹æ³ ,ä»¥æ ´å å å ²é 读å å ä½ ç­ ç ¥ä»¥å å å ²å å®¹ç ¥è¯ ç 学习,ç ®ç æ ¯æ é« å­¦ç ç å å ²ç§ è®®è®ºæ å ä½ æ è ½ã å¹²é¢ æ å­¦ä¸ºæ¯ é¡¹å ä½ å­¦ä¹ æ æ å¸¦æ ¥äº æ­£é ¢å æ ¾è ç ç» æ ã å ¨æ §å ¶äº ä¸ å­¦ç å ¨å¹²é¢ å å·²æ è ½å ç ¸å ³ç å é å ,ç  ç©¶äººå å ç °æ æ å ä¸ è é ½å¾ å °ä¸­è ³é« æ åº å ¼ã ç ¸å¯¹äº å ¨æ §å ¶ç» ä¸­ç å ºæ ¬é 读è ,å ¨å¹²é¢ ç» ä¸­ç å­¦ç ,å å ¨å å ²å ä½ å å ä½ è´¨é ä¸ ç å¾ å è¾ é« è æ ç« å å å¾ è¾ é ¿;è¿ äº ç» æ ç æ åº å ¼å å «æ ¯:å ºæ ¬é 读è ç å å ²å ä½ æ ¯.45,æ »ä½ å ä½ è´¨é æ ¯.32,æ ç« é ¿åº¦æ ¯.60ã æ å¸ å® æ ½ç é 读å å ä½ è¯¾ç¨ å¹²é¢ ,å ·æ é« åº¦ç å® æ ½ä¿ ç 度,æ ä»¥ç  ç©¶äººå å ¨æ §å ¶äº æ å¸ æ è ½å è¦ æ ¢è®¨å ¶ä» å¯¼è ´å­¦ç æ å ç å  ç´ ã æ ¬ç  ç©¶ç» æ æ ¾ç¤º,å­¦ç è¿ ä¸ æ­¥ç å¾ ç ,æ ¯å å ³äº ä» ä»¬å·²å® æ è¿ è¯¾ç¨ ç ç¨ åº¦ã SpanishEste estudio exploró hasta qué punto una intervención de 18 días en el currículo de historia y escritura, enseñado en el curso de un año, ayudó a adolescentes de diversas culturas y capacidades académicas lograr un aprendizaje importante en la disciplina de la historia. Los maestros usaron una forma de instrucción cognitiva de aprendizaje para integrar las lecturas históricas y las estrategias de escritura y el aprendizaje del contenido con la meta de mejorar la escritura de argumentos históricos de los estudiantes. La intervención tuvo resultados positivos e importantes para cada uno de los resultados de escritura. Habiendo controlado los variables asociados con las habilidades de los estudiantes al comenzar el estudio, los investigadores encontraron efectos desde moderados a importantes en todos los participantes. En relación a los lectores básicos del grupo de control, los que participaron en la intervención sacaron mejores notas en la escritura histórica y la calidad de la escritura, y escribieron ensayos más largos; estos resultados se traducen en una magnitud de efectos de .45 en la escritura histórica de lectores básicos, .32 en la calidad total de su escritura, y .60 en la extensión de sus ensayos. Los maestros implementaron la intervención curricular de lectura y escritura con altos niveles de fidelidad, llevando a los investigadores a explorar factores adicionales que contribuyeron al éxito de los estudiantes después de tomar en consideración la eficacia del maestro. Los resultados indican más posibles beneficios dependiendo del grado al cual los estudiantes completaron el currículo.Arabicتبحث ٠ذ٠ا٠دراسة إ٠٠أ٠٠د٠ساعد تدخ٠ا Ù Ù 18 ٠٠٠ا ٠٠دراسة ا٠تار٠خ ٠٠٠٠ج ا٠٠تابة Ø Ù Ø¯Ù Ø±Ù Ù Ø³Ù ØªÙ Ø¹Ù Ù Ù Ø¯Ø§Ø± س٠ة Ù Ø§Ø­Ø¯Ø©Ø Ø«Ù Ø§Ù Ù Ø§ ٠أ٠اد٠٠٠ا ا٠٠را٠٠٠٠٠٠خ٠٠٠ات ٠خت٠٠ة تح٠٠٠تع٠٠ا٠ضباط٠٠ا٠٠٠٠جا٠ا٠٠تابة ا٠تار٠خة. استخدا٠ا٠٠ع٠٠٠٠٠س٠٠ة ا٠٠عر٠ة ا٠٠٠٠٠ة ٠٠أج٠إد٠اج استرات٠ج٠ات ا٠٠راءة ٠ا٠٠تابة ا٠تار٠خ٠ة ٠٠حت٠٠ا٠ع٠٠٠٠ط٠اب ب٠د٠تحس٠٠ا٠٠تابة ا٠بر٠ا٠٠ة ٠٠ادة ا٠تار٠خ. ٠٠ا٠٠٠تدخ٠٠تائج إ٠جاب٠ة ٠٠ا٠ة ٠٠٠٠٠ا٠س ا٠٠تابة. بعد ا٠أخذ بع٠٠ا٠إعتبار ا٠٠تغ٠رات ا٠٠رتبطة ب٠درات ا٠ط٠اب Ø§Ù Ù Ø¨Ø¯Ø¦Ù Ø©Ø Ù Ø¬Ø¯ ا٠باحث٠٠تأث٠رات ٠عتد٠ة إ٠٠٠ب٠رة ٠د٠ج٠٠ع ا٠٠شار٠٠٠. با٠٠سبة ٠٠٠راء ٠٠ا٠٠ج٠٠عة Ø§Ù Ø¶Ø§Ø¨Ø·Ø©Ø Ø§Ù Ù Ø´Ø§Ø±Ù Ù Ù Ù Ù Ø§Ù ØªØ¯Ø®Ù Ø³Ø¬Ù Ù Ø§ ع٠ا٠ات أع٠٠٠٠ا٠٠تابة ا٠تار٠خ٠ة ٠ج٠دة ا٠٠تابة ٠٠تب٠ا ٠٠ا٠ات أط٠٠. ت٠ت٠ر٠ج٠٠٠ذ٠ا٠٠تائج إ٠٠تأث٠ر 0.45 ٠٠٠راء ا٠٠تابة Ø§Ù ØªØ§Ø±Ù Ø®Ù Ø©Ø 0.32 ع٠٠ج٠دة ا٠٠تابة Ø§Ù Ø¹Ø§Ù Ø©Ø Ù 0.60 ع٠٠ط٠٠أ٠را٠٠٠. طب٠ا٠٠ع٠٠٠٠٠٠ا٠ج ا٠تدخ٠٠٠٠راءة ٠٠٠٠تابة ا٠دراس٠ة ٠ع ٠ست٠٠ات عا٠٠ة ٠٠د٠ة Ø§Ù ØªÙ Ù Ù Ø°Ø Ù Ù Ø§ أبد٠با٠باحث٠٠٠است٠شا٠ا٠ع٠ا٠٠ا٠إضا٠٠ة ا٠ت٠سا٠٠ت ٠٠٠جاح ا٠ط٠اب بعد ا٠أخذ بع٠٠ا٠إعتبار ٠٠عا٠٠ة ا٠٠ع٠٠. ٠تش٠ر ا٠٠تائج إ٠٠٠ز٠د ٠٠ا٠٠٠ائد ٠ا٠ت٠تعت٠د ع٠٠ا٠٠أ٠٠د٠أت٠ا٠ط٠اب ا٠٠٠٠ج ا٠دراس٠.RussianÐ Ñ Ñ Ð»ÐµÐ´Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ ÐµÐ»Ð¸ Ð²Ñ Ñ Ñ Ð½Ð¸Ð»Ð¸, каким Ð¾Ð±Ñ Ð°Ð·Ð¾Ð¼ в Ñ ÐµÐ·Ñ Ð»Ñ Ñ Ð°Ñ Ðµ 18â дневного â но Ñ Ð°Ñ Ñ Ñ Ð½Ñ Ñ Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ на Ñ ÐµÐ»Ñ Ð¹ Ð°ÐºÐ°Ð´ÐµÐ¼Ð¸Ñ ÐµÑ ÐºÐ¸Ð¹ год â Ð²Ð¼ÐµÑ Ð°Ñ ÐµÐ»Ñ Ñ Ñ Ð²Ð° в Ñ Ñ ÐµÐ±Ð½Ñ Ð¹ план по Ð¸Ñ Ñ Ð¾Ñ Ð¸Ð¸ и Ð¿Ð¸Ñ Ñ Ð¼Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ñ Ð¾Ñ Ñ ÐºÐ¸ Ñ Ð°Ð·Ð½Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ Ñ Ñ Ð½Ð¸Ñ ÐµÑ ÐºÐ¾Ð³Ð¾ Ð¿Ñ Ð¾Ð¸Ñ Ñ Ð¾Ð¶Ð´ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð¸ Ñ Ñ Ð¾Ð²Ð½Ñ Ñ Ñ Ð¿ÐµÐ²Ð°ÐµÐ¼Ð¾Ñ Ñ Ð¸ Ð´Ð¾Ð±Ð¸Ð»Ð¸Ñ Ñ Ñ Ñ Ð¿ÐµÑ Ð¾Ð² в Ð¾Ð±Ð»Ð°Ñ Ñ Ð¸ Ð¸Ñ Ñ Ð¾Ñ Ð¸Ñ ÐµÑ ÐºÐ¾Ð¹ Ð³Ñ Ð°Ð¼Ð¾Ñ Ð½Ð¾Ñ Ñ Ð¸. 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Par rapport aux lecteurs de base du groupe contrôle, ceux qui ont participé à l’intervention ont obtenu de meilleurs résultats en écriture historique et qualité de lâ écriture et ils ont écrit des textes plus longs ; ces résultats traduisent des effets de la taille de .45 par rapport aux lecteurs de base en écriture historique, de .32 dans la qualité de dâ écriture en général, et de .60 dans la longueur de leurs écrits. Les enseignants ont mis en place l’intervention du programme de lectureâ écriture avec de hauts niveaux de fidélité dans la mise en place ; ce qui a conduit les chercheurs à explorer d’autres facteurs qui ont contribué à la réussite des élèves après prise en compte de l’efficacité du maître. Les résultats indiquent des progrès ultérieurs variables selon le degré auquel les élèves ont suivi le programme.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/135405/1/rrq147-sup-0002-AppendixB.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/135405/2/rrq147_am.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/135405/3/rrq147-sup-0001-AppendixA.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/135405/4/rrq147.pd

    Illinois Electronics Products Recycling Survey

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    The survey project identified barriers to proper recycling/reuse of electronic products in Illinois counties, statewide. The recycling phone survey project was conducted December 2013 through March 2014. Information was obtained from persons designated as county recycling coordinators, and from businesses, local governments, and agencies registered with the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) to collect, recycle/refurbish, or process electronic products collected in Illinois. Phone survey data was gathered regarding: who’s doing what in Illinois counties with regard to electronics recycling; who the designated recycling coordinator is for each Illinois county (and awareness of the current IEPA annual $2,000 grant opportunity); and types of barriers to proper recycling/reuse of electronics which may exist in Illinois counties, with input from local government recycling coordinators, registered electronic items collectors and recyclers. The report includes a description of the survey design and survey population, data collection methods, and results. Observations and highlights of the survey project results are provided.This research was funded in part by the Illinois Sustainable Technology Center, a division of the Prairie Research Institute at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (Grant No. HWR14231).Ope

    Relevance of trichothecenes in fungal physiology: Disruption of tri5 in Trichoderma arundinaceum

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    Trichothecenes are sesquiterpenoid mycotoxins produced mainly by Fusarium species. Harzianum A (HA), a non-phytotoxic trichothecene produced by Trichoderma arundinaceum, has recently been found to have antagonistic activity against fungal plant pathogens and to induce plant genes involved in defense responses. In the present work, we have shown that disruption of the T. arundinaceum tri5 gene, which encodes a terpene synthase, stops the production of HA, alters the expression of other tri genes involved in HA biosynthesis, and alters the expression of hmgR, dpp1, erg9, erg1, and erg7, all genes involved in terpene biosynthetic pathways. An increase in the level of ergosterol biosynthesis was also observed in the tri5 disrupted transformant in comparison with the wild type strain. The loss of HA also resulted in a drastic reduction of the biocontrol activity of the transformants against the phytopathogenic fungi Botrytis cinerea and Rhizoctonia solani. Finally, the effect of tri5 gene disruption on the regulation and balance of intermediates in terpene biosynthetic pathways, as well as the hypothetical physiological role of trichothecenes, both inter- and intracellularly, on regulation and biocontrol, are discussed

    Organizational factors associated with readiness to implement and translate a primary care based telemedicine behavioral program to improve blood pressure control: the HTN-IMPROVE study

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    Abstract Background Hypertension is prevalent and often sub-optimally controlled; however, interventions to improve blood pressure control have had limited success. Objectives Through implementation of an evidence-based nurse-delivered self-management phone intervention to facilitate hypertension management within large complex health systems, we sought to answer the following questions: What is the level of organizational readiness to implement the intervention? What are the specific facilitators, barriers, and contextual factors that may affect organizational readiness to change? Study design Each intervention site from three separate Veterans Integrated Service Networks (VISNs), which represent 21 geographic regions across the US, agreed to enroll 500 participants over a year with at least 0.5 full time equivalent employees of nursing time. Our mixed methods approach used a priori semi-structured interviews conducted with stakeholders (n = 27) including nurses, physicians, administrators, and information technology (IT) professionals between 2010 and 2011. Researchers iteratively identified facilitators and barriers of organizational readiness to change (ORC) and implementation. Additionally, an ORC survey was conducted with the stakeholders who were (n = 102) preparing for program implementation. Results Key ORC facilitators included stakeholder buy-in and improving hypertension. Positive organizational characteristics likely to impact ORC included: other similar programs that support buy-in, adequate staff, and alignment with the existing site environment; improved patient outcomes; is positive for the professional nurse role, and is evidence-based; understanding of the intervention; IT infrastructure and support, and utilization of existing equipment and space. The primary ORC barrier was unclear long-term commitment of nursing. Negative organizational characteristics likely to impact ORC included: added workload, competition with existing programs, implementation length, and limited available nurse staff time; buy-in is temporary until evidence shows improved outcomes; contacting patients and the logistics of integration into existing workflow is a challenge; and inadequate staffing is problematic. Findings were complementary across quantitative and qualitative analyses. Conclusions The model of organizational change identified key facilitators and barriers of organizational readiness to change and successful implementation. This study allows us to understand the needs and challenges of intervention implementation. Furthermore, examination of organizational facilitators and barriers to implementation of evidence-based interventions may inform dissemination in other chronic diseases.http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/112820/1/13012_2013_Article_683.pd

    Ephrin–Eph signaling as a potential therapeutic target for the treatment of myocardial infarction

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    Although numerous strategies have been developed to reduce the initial ischemic insult and cellular injury that occurs during myocardial infarction (MI), few have progressed into the clinical arena. The epidemiologic and economic impact of MI necessitates the development of innovative therapies to rapidly and effectively reduce the initial injury and subsequent cardiac dysfunction. The Eph receptors and their cognate ligands, the ephrins, are the largest family of receptor tyrosine kinases, and their signaling has been shown to play a diverse role in various cellular processes. The recent advances in the study of ephrin– Eph signaling have shown promising progress in many fields of medicine. They have been implicated in the pathophysiology of various cancers and in the regulation of inflammation and apoptosis. Recent studies have shown that manipulation of ephrin–Eph cell signaling can favorably influence cardiomyocyte viability and ultimately preserve cardiac function post-MI. In this article, we explore the hypothesis that manipulation of ephrin–Eph signaling may potentially be a novel therapeutic target in the treatment of MI through alteration of the cellular processes that govern injury and wound healing

    MAGE-A cancer/testis antigens inhibit MDM2 ubiquitylation function and promote increased levels of MDM4

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    Melanoma antigen A (MAGE-A) proteins comprise a structurally and biochemically similar sub-family of Cancer/Testis antigens that are expressed in many cancer types and are thought to contribute actively to malignancy. MAGE-A proteins are established regulators of certain cancer-associated transcription factors, including p53, and are activators of several RING finger-dependent ubiquitin E3 ligases. Here, we show that MAGE-A2 associates with MDM2, a ubiquitin E3 ligase that mediates ubiquitylation of more than 20 substrates including mainly p53, MDM2 itself, and MDM4, a potent p53 inhibitor and MDM2 partner that is structurally related to MDM2. We find that MAGE-A2 interacts with MDM2 via the N-terminal p53-binding pocket and the RING finger domain of MDM2 that is required for homo/hetero-dimerization and for E2 ligase interaction. Consistent with these data, we show that MAGE-A2 is a potent inhibitor of the E3 ubiquitin ligase activity of MDM2, yet it does not have any significant effect on p53 turnover mediated by MDM2. Strikingly, however, increased MAGE-A2 expression leads to reduced ubiquitylation and increased levels of MDM4. Similarly, silencing of endogenous MAGE-A expression diminishes MDM4 levels in a manner that can be rescued by the proteasomal inhibitor, bortezomid, and permits increased MDM2/MDM4 association. These data suggest that MAGE-A proteins can: (i) uncouple the ubiquitin ligase and degradation functions of MDM2; (ii) act as potent inhibitors of E3 ligase function; and (iii) regulate the turnover of MDM4. We also find an association between the presence of MAGE-A and increased MDM4 levels in primary breast cancer, suggesting that MAGE-A-dependent control of MDM4 levels has relevance to cancer clinically

    A prospective study of treatments for adult-onset divergence insufficiency–type esotropia

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    Purpose To describe 10-week and 12-month outcomes following treatment for divergence insufficiency–type esotropia in adults. Methods In this prospective observational study, 110 adults with divergence insufficiency–type esotropia, with a distance esodeviation measuring 2Δ to 30Δ and at least 25% larger at distance than near, and binocular diplopia present at least “sometimes” at distance, were enrolled at 28 sites when initiating new treatment. Surgery, prism, or divergence exercises/therapy were chosen at the investigator’s discretion. Diplopia was assessed at enrollment and at 10-week and 12-month outcome examinations using a standardized diplopia questionnaire (DQ). Success was defined as DQ responses of “rarely” or “never” when looking straight ahead in the distance, with no alternative treatment initiated. Results Of the 110 participants, 32 (29%) were prescribed base-out prism; none had received prior treatment for esotropia. Success criteria were met by 22 of 30 at 10 weeks (73%; 95% CI, 54%-88%) and by 16 of 26 at 12 months (62%; 95% CI, 41%-80%). For the 76 (68%) who underwent strabismus surgery (82% of whom had been previously treated with prism), success criteria were met by 69 of 74 at 10 weeks (93%; 95% CI, 85%-98%) and by 57 of 72 at 12 months (79%; 95% CI, 68%-88%). Conclusions In this study cohort, both base-out prism as initial therapy and strabismus surgery (usually following prism) were successful in treating diplopia for most adults with divergence insufficiency–type esotropia when assessed during the first year of follow-up